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Terms and Conditions for Memberships

A membership program involves a business relationship between you and your customers. A Terms and Conditions agreement sets out the ground rules for that relationship and should address many of...

India IT Act 2000

The India IT Act 2000 is the main Indian law governing electronic business and cybercrime. It has been in force since 17 October 2000, with some significant amendments taking effect...

Governing Law Clause in Terms and Conditions

A governing law clause sets out which country or area's laws govern your Terms and Conditions agreement, as well as any legal issues that may arise between you and a...

SaaS Agreement

When you use the Software as a Service (SaaS) model for your business, you need to address multiple legal elements. A SaaS agreement is a convenient, transparent way to do...

Terms and Conditions for Google Forms

Google Forms is a free tool for collecting data from users. It's most commonly used for surveys and quizzes but can also collect many other types of information. When you use...