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Recitals of the GDPR

The full text of the GDPR is made up of Articles and Recitals. The Articles are the formal clauses of the law. The Recitals are accompanying notes that explain why the...

Ecommerce Store Disclaimers

Disclaimers are essential statements to include on any website or app, including your ecommerce store. A disclaimer for a website is a vital layer of protection for a company as...

Privacy Policy for Android Apps

If you are developing an app for an Android phone, you must have a Privacy Policy. Countless data protection laws around the world and Google itself requires this of app...

Using Legitimate Interests Legitimately

While consent is often the key to data processing under the GDPR, it's certainly not the only option. You can instead process personal data when doing so comes under your...

Privacy Issues and Voice Assistants

Voice assistants and privacy is a topic that's often in the news. While most of the attention is on device manufacturers, anyone who offers tools and services that use the...