COPPA Privacy Policy Template
Privacy laws across the world protect the information of consumers online. Websites and apps whose audience includes or is targeted to children under the age of 13 face additional requirements...
What the CPRA Means for Businesses
California already has one of the toughest data privacy laws in the U.S., known as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). And it was further amended and expanded by the...
Disclaimers Versus Disclosures
Commonly confused for one another, and often used interchangeably, disclaimers and disclosures are actually two separate things. They do, however, work together to create informative statements about your website. They both...
Disclaimers vs Terms and Conditions Agreements
Protecting your website or app from potential misuse and misunderstandings is one of the most essential things you can do. Two of the best ways to do this is by...
CCPA (CPRA) Compliance for Startups
If you're starting a business located in California or serving its residents, you may (and likely will) fall under the scope of the state's privacy laws. This includes the California...