Category: Terms and Conditions

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Governing Law Clause in Terms and Conditions

Governing Law Clause in Terms and Conditions

A governing law clause sets out which country or area's laws govern your Terms and Conditions agreement, as well as any legal issues that may arise between you and a...

Terms and Conditions for Google Forms

Terms and Conditions for Google Forms

Google Forms is a free tool for collecting data from users. It's most commonly used for surveys and quizzes but can also collect many other types of information. When you use...

Terms and Conditions Agreement For WordPress Websites

Terms and Conditions Agreement For WordPress Websites

Depending on the content of your WordPress site, you may have a contractual or legal relationship with customers. This could cover selling goods or services, the site itself being a...

Sample Service Level Agreement (SLA) Template

Sample Service Level Agreement (SLA) Template

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and customer. It includes a set of promises by the service provider about what the service involves, the...

Can I Copy Terms and Conditions?

Can I Copy Terms and Conditions?

Given that nearly all businesses use Terms and Conditions agreements, it may seem like an obvious time-saving exercise to copy existing Terms and Conditions from another business and use it...

Do I Need Terms and Conditions on My Website?

Do I Need Terms and Conditions on My Website?

While having a Terms and Conditions agreement is not a legal requirement, having one can provide a business (and its customers) with a number of important benefits. So, while you...