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Terms and Conditions Agreement for In-App Purchases

If you offer in-app purchases, you are creating a sales contract with the customer, even if the app itself is free of charge. A Terms and Conditions agreement is the...

Marketplace Terms and Conditions

When you bring together buyers and sellers in a marketplace, you still have rights and responsibilities even though you aren't personally supplying goods or services. A Terms and Conditions agreement lets...

User Agreement Template

A User Agreement is an excellent addition to a website or mobile app for a number of reasons. It helps you set out the rules and requirements for users who...

Terms and Conditions for Free Trials

Even though you don't charge for a free trial, you are still creating a business-to-consumer relationship with the user. A Terms and Conditions agreement will allow you to set out...

Turkey KKVK and the GDPR

Turkey's adoption of Convention 108 and the introduction of its Data Protection Law (DPL), also known as Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu (KVKK), mark significant strides in data protection, much like...